Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time keeps on slipping . . .

Alright so we're only to the end of Feb. and I'm already behind on my blogging goals ! There have been so many times over the past week or two that I've wanted to sit down , but always find myself doing something else. So ANY WAY . . . . .
I've been going a little nuts this past week,

Logan has started going to bed between 10 -11 and getting up by 5 . . . I am an extreme non morning person so getting up at 5 is REALLY hard for me and what's more is I feel like I'm getting no sleep and don't tend to function very well like that. I feel like I've tried everything I can think of , we've even tried to have him sleep in our bed , and I know the transition from crib to toddler bed will take a while , but how much longer can it really last ?? Grrr , I don't know . ANY WAY , I guess this is one of the fun things that comes with being a parent :)

I have been feeling these past months that there are just so many things I have set out to do that I'm not able to finish or even start for that matter, I feel so unbalanced !
So my Goal for the next month is find the healthy balance between being a mommy , a wife and being me. Obviously being a mom is my first and foremost , but I feel like I don't take ANY time for me, and when that happens I start to feel SO overwhelmed so I need to figure it out :)
Any way , that's enough complaining !!! I should get going, got to get dinner started. But I WILL blog again before the end of the week . . I will !!!! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Don't eat the yellow snow !

Today we got a fresh foot of snow to Logan's delight, he LOVES the snow :P So I took him out to play, he just dove face first into the snow laughing it was pretty funny. Some how he figured out the snow wasn't all that bad to eat and spent the rest of the day doing so :)

I amazes me , the energy he can have after such little amounts of sleep. Last night it felt like he was up every other hour , I think my sleep totaled 3 1/2 hours ! But there he is running around like a crazy boy in the snow :) Children truly are resilient!

P.S. - Took a few pictures, tried to post them but it's not working, guess I'll check back later and try and add them then !

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snow Day

Over this past week we got dumped on snow wise, our first big snow since my brother's been here , which inspired him to take Logan out to play in the snow. We really haven't taken him out in the snow a whole lot because he doesn't like to keep his winter wear ( hat, coats , gloves ) on. So when Jed took him out yesterday it was really his first snow day, and he went nuts ! He was running around,he loved the crunching sound the snow made when he stepped on it, kicking it with his feet
. . and then he found a snow ball and all was lost " ball , ball !! " till he picked it up, then it was "cold mommy " , it was so cute.
Jed took him around in the sled,and the look on his face said, I am SO grown up right now :)
It was so much fun to see him explore the snow, what is feels like, tastes like , how truly cold it is on your hands. In the end he threw quite a fit when I took him in , but deep down I think he was happy to get warm .

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Trying something new

My name is Sarah, I am 24 and living in the crazy state of Utah. I am married to TJ Hartlaub and we have a wonderful little boy named Logan who will be 2 in June.

If you know me in any kind of way , you know that I'm over all a private person. I can count on one hand the number of friends to whom my life is pretty much an open book and that's the extent of my sharing. But this year I told myself I would open up , share more, learn more, be more open to life. So read at your own risk !

That's all for now !